Index of Available Extensions

List of extensions for App Inventor, Kodular, and others.

This topic includes extensions made for App Inventor, Kodular, and others that will be updated regularly. All community members have access to edit this list to make it larger.

Extension developers names are in alphabetical order.

image Andres Daniel

» Animation
» Background Color Animation
» Create Pdf from Table
» CSV to Json encode
» Display Table in Webviewer
» FAB with Material Icon
» Gauge
» Memory Size
» Network Tools
» Search Actionbar
» Snackbar
» SQLite Addons
» Table
» Toast with XY values
» YouTube

image AppyBuilder

» Date Utils
» List Utils
» Rating Bar
» Text Utils

NOTE: You may find these extensions at SourceForge, if they are unavailable.

image Aravind Chowdary

» AppNext Interstitial Ads
» Human BMI Calculator
» Relative Layout
» Enhance Connector

image Ben

» Extended WebViewer
» Image Cropping
» WebViewerDialog

image ColinTree

» System Languge
» Notifier
» Math Extended
» Math
» Go Home
» First Run
» TinyDB Editable
» Scroll Arrangement Handler
» Nine Patch Support
» Slideshow
» Asynchronous Image Loader
» Password Visibility Switching
» Autocomplete Textbox
» Swipe Refresh
» Event Caller (in testing)
» Custom Listview
» JSON Util

image Fahad Ahmad

» Math Formulas
» Country Info
» DeveloperMode

image GuiM_Hares

» Number Formatting


As of March 2023, developments from @hammerhai may have been, and will continue to be, released on the App Inventor Community, due to the ongoing merger. Please be rest assured that all work released by, or in collaboration with @hammerhai, will continue to function the same with AI2.

The following work released by @hammerhai may be used for events including, but not limited to, App Inventor Appathon.

X • Biometric – For all your authentication needs
X • Chamaeleon – Your Material Textfield
X • Galaxy – A click toggler
X • Moon
X • Discourse Community Authentication¹
X • Draco – Integration with Flurry Analytics
X • Font Variation – Change font weight programmatically¹
X • Purple – Check NFC Availability
X • Reflex – Change your statusbar
X • Wave – SharedPreferences made secure

¹ This product can cause high memory usage or produce a memory leak. Refer to the thread for more information.

image Helios

» Colors
» Dialogs
» Extra Components

image Hema Srinivas

» Update My App
» Delay Handler
» Internet Connection

finalprofile Hritik R

» Bugfender
» MultiSpotlight
» Fading Text

image Jean-Rodolphe Letertre

» Client TCP

image Jörg Hüneburg

» SMB Manager

image Kate Manning & Emily Kager

» ChartMaker

image Kumaraswamy

» iMGY - Encode files to images
» Natural Language Parser
» Background Tasks - Experimental
» Pro camera: The pro custom camera
» Jelly Toggle Button: Animated Toggle Button
» WiFi Transfer - Peer to Peer text, file and live audio Transmitting
» Text Highlighter - Highlight text segments

image Luke Gackle

» Countdown
» Webview Tools
» WebViewCookieTools


» Temperature Converter
» Keyword Searcher
» NumToWord Converter (for Indian currency)
» Thousand Separator (for Indian currency)
» NumToRoman

image Mad Robots

» Gyro Sensor
» Sound

image MakeBlock

» Computer Vision
» mBot

image marzukalhashimi

» Sunset/Sunrise

image Mohamed Tamer

» JsonTextDecodeWithDictionaries
» AddressInfo
» Component tools
» RepositioningTools
» Phone Number Tools

image Mika

» Body Mass Index
» Click Listener
» Gesture Handler
» Image Editor
» QR Code
» Simple Mathematics
» Special Tools

image MIT App Inventor

» Bluetooth Low Energy
» Image Processor
» Rotation Detector
» Scale Detector
» Sound Analysis
» Vector Arithmetic

image Pavitra

» Arduino USB Serial
» In App Billing
» Phone Info
» Root Checker

image Pura Vida Apps

» Account Manager
» AES Encryption (costs $10 USD)
» Alarm
» Ambient Temperature Sensor
» Barometer Sensor
» Battery Manager
» Billing (costs $10 USD)
» Classic Bluetooth
» Camera (costs $10 USD)
» ClipBoard
» Enhanced Audio Player
» Exif
» File
» FlashLight
» FTP (costs $10 USD)
» Hotspot
» Image
» Image Metadata
» Light Sensor
» Magnetic Sensor
» Mail (costs $10 USD)
» Simple Notification
» Settings
» Screenshot
» Sharing
» Speech Recognizer
» SQLite (costs $10 USD)
» Telephony Manager
» Texting
» Tools
» WiFi

image Sander

» BluetoothPlus
» ScreenTools
» Vibrate
» Convert
» Translate Service Custom
» Sound Manager

image Sashibhusan Coder

» Razorpay Extension
» PayU Extension
» Paytm Extension

image Shreyash

» Phase
» Drift
» Media Notification

image Sivagiri

» Image Base64


» Firebase Cloud Messaging
» Color SeekBar
» Mary Dialog
» Baserow Socket
» Popup View
» Text drawable
» Custom List View
» Swipe Action View
» Baserow Database
» Screen Animation
» Try&Catch
» Parallax View Pager
» Shimmer View (for all views)
» Shapeable View
» Strip View Pager
» Custom Indicator
» Custom TextView
» Fluid Slider
» Recycler View
» Neumorphic Design
» Static Variable
» ClickUtils
» Custom Image
» Expand Collapse View
» Flip Animation
» Gradient Drawable
» Shimmer TextView
» Smooth Text
» Currency Convereter Online
» Dots Indiactor
» Random Generator
» Launch Tool
» Countdown Timer

image The K Studio

» BMI Calculator

» List Utilz

» ASD Downloader

» IP Checker

» Dropbox Link

» Trivia Quiz

» Countdown

» Byte Tools

image Red Panda

» Wolfram
» Weather Underground

image Robert Crum

» FileInfo

image Vaibhav Pathak

» AndroID

image WatermelonIce

» MaxMinTools
» DynamicVariables
» XMLTextDecodeAsDictionary
» BrightnessTools
» SliderTools
» GetImageFromVideo

avatar Yash Sehgal

» Spelling Corrector
» Weather Mate

image Yusuf Cihan

» APKInfo
» ListAddon
» Dynamic Components (for all components)
