5 Different Listviews using Dynamic component Extension | Guide

So Welcome, Everyone today in this guide I will show how to make different listviews using @yusufcihan 's Dynamic Component Extension. It is fully Customisable According to your needs.
So Let’s Begin

1. Simple ListView (Icon, Title & Action Button)

• Layout

• Inputs


Icon : Url
Title : String
Material_Icon_Name : String
For Material Icon Name Click Here

• Blocks

• Schema

"name": "Simple ListView",
"metadata-version": 1,
"author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
"platforms": [
"keys": [
"components": [

2. BigImage ListView (Image, Title & Subtitle)

• Layout

• Inputs


Big_Image : Url
Title : String
Subtitle : String

• Blocks

• Schema

"name": "BigImage ListView",
"metadata-version": 1,
"author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
"platforms": [
"keys": [
"components": [
        "components": [
                "components": [
                        "components": [

3. Aia/Aix Store Listview (Icon, Title, Description, Action Button)

• Layout

• Inputs


Icon : Url
Title : String
updated : String
platform : String
developer : String
downloads : Number
Button_name : String

• Blocks

• Schema

"name": "Aia/Aix Store Listview",
"metadata-version": 1,
"author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
"platforms": [
"keys": [
"components": [
        "components": [
                "components": [
                        "Text":" • Last Upadated: {updated}\n • Platform: {platform}\n • Developer: {developer}\n • Total Downloads: {downloads}",
                    "components": [

4. Youtube Homepage ListView (Thumbnail, Title, Icon & Subtitle)

• Layout

• Inputs


Thumbnail : Url
Title : String
Icon : Url
Name : String
Views : String
Time : Number

• Blocks

• Schema

"name": "Youtube Homepage ListView",
"metadata-version": 1,
"author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
"platforms": [
"keys": [
"components": [
        "components": [
                "components": [
                        "components": [
                                    "Text":"{name} • {views} • {time}"

5. Social Media ListView (icon, Name, Information, Action Button, Image, Like,Comment & Share Buttons )

• Layout

• Inputs


Image : Url
Icon : Url
Name : String
Views : String
Time : Number
Likes : String

• Blocks

• Schema

    "name": "Social Media ListView",
"metadata-version": 1,
"author": "Maayur (rewritten by WaterMelonIce)",
"platforms": [
"keys": [
"components": [
        "components": [
                "components": [
                        "components": [
                                    "Text":"{time} • {views}"
                "components": [
                            "Text":"{name} • {description}",
                "components": [


• How to get component on click

• Screenshot

• Video

• Download

Apk: ForthcomingAquamarineMacaw.apk (5.4 MB)
Aia ( Schema ) :

Aia:ForthcomingAquamarineMacaw.aia (434.8 KB)

• Refrences

Dynamic Component’s By @yusufcihan

Image Loader By @DevYB

• Contribution

Thanks @The_K_Studio for How to get component on click.

Thanks @WatermelonIce for the schema of each listview.

Thanks :kodular: For a great Platform.

Suggestions are Appreciated

This Listviews Can be fully Customized According to your Need. If anyone wants other kind of listview Definitly tell me. I will try to post it. :grin:

If you like this guide then you can support by donating :upside_down_face:

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It’s really awesome

1 Like

Thanks, :grin: :grin:

1 Like

Good guide. Its very helpful to me


Thanks, :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Great guide @themaayur ! :heart:
Keep up the good work!:+1:


Great guide @themaayur!
It will surely help many users.

1 Like

Thanks @FahadAhmad @ravigarg ,
Actually I was testing the extension for my other project, I tried different listviews and It was So easy to make a custom listview form the extension. So I made a Guide on it.

All credit goes to @yusufcihan’s Extension without this it was not possible.


Suuuuper… :heart_eyes:


Quick Challenge: You can make dynamically any component by this extension
Try to make like playable video dynamic list. For example when in youtube you stop at a certain point it auto-plays that video.


You mean Preview of the video. Right


Yes it should play in the list view itself.


Also if you allow, make this post a wiki so that everyone can contribute with their unique listviews.

1 Like

Making a Wiki will create a mess. But If Anyone has a

PM me I will add it here with Credit :grin:


Great idea! Keep up the good work.


Really great that you made this @themaayur. This will help a lot of people using the extension.


Thanks @Peter :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::v:


Amazing work

1 Like

@themaayur Sensational. Great work! Very good ! Quality work!

1 Like

Great work, great guide. keep up :star_struck:

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