Kodular Fenix Bug Tracker

Please refer to this topic for updates on fixes for bugs introduced in Kodular Fenix 1.5.0

Awaiting triage :hourglass:

Under investigation :mag:

Fixes under testing :bar_chart:

Fixed, awaiting release :white_check_mark:


The bug tracker has been updated with the latest status on each of the bugs identified in the current release.

The update will come in a few days, hopefully before the start of August as we are yet to finish all the work required to target API 30 (Android 11).

Beta server will be updated in a few days. You will be notified via Discord.


Hi everyone

We will be releasing a bug fix update some time around 2021-08-02T12:00:00Z.

Please note that we will not be bumping the target SDK version to 30 in the upcoming release.

Thanks for your patience!