How to switch screens correctly

I see many issues done by users because they switched screens not correct.

This below is now just one of many other solutions:

If you dont open/close screens correct your app will get possible runtime errors.

Possible errors: (example)

Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@45d459c0 is not valid; is your activity running?

Iam sure you don’t want that.

Then please do it in the future and switch screens correct.

General Tips and Tricks for App Inventor/Makeroid

The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor

Application close problem
Data Disappearing between screens
UnKnown Runtime Error 🤔 can't Understand
Bug in Exit Notifier when have more than one notifier
Screen bug use lotti animation
RAM increases by changing screens, but doesn't decrease by closing screens
2nd Screen, Change screen
App is lagging too much
Display AdMob across multiple screens
Home on side menu
Slow Screen switching problem when use start value
When I open and close windows several times, the App crashed
Taking More Time To Open Another Screen
When click back to previous screen custom notifier didnt work
Screen Close when i am redirect
Click Exit button error
Screen is Blinking
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When other screen close previous screen notifier not working
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When I change the screen my app crash
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App is crashing on openning a new screen through button
When load leadbolt ads. Then show runtime error
My App is not showing anything after exporting
Someone cut the power! Export error
Need Help With The Notifier
Crashes on application
Dialog not appears when closing screen
How to close all the screen when app exit button click?
Strange Runtime Error!
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[Block Request] NavigateTo Screen Block
An internal error has occurred
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Open another screen is Not Working!
Error causing but everything working fine how to remove it
Please help me with an error!
Error while jumping screens
The application is still crashing with the eagle update (1.4.1)
Open another screen name block have bug
App says keep stoping
Help With notifications
Is TinyDB Broken
Online test OK, device test result a hiccup! Can you help?
Button doesn’t work
Hide button forever
OutOfMemoryError while using REAL DEVICE
Close application not working
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How to solve run time error
Taking More Time To Open Another Screen
"Call Show Choose Dialog" after "When Other Screen Closed" not work
How to reload same activity?
Custom Notifier Problem?
Is it Possible to auto refresh screen on a button click?
Close all screen copies
Call Show Choose Dialog” after “When Other Screen Closed” not work Finding fixed solution
Unable to close the application when using no internet screen
App crashing when switching screens
Notifier (.ShowChooseDialog) / bug after switching screen
Runtime error: Unable to add window - token ... is not valid, is your activity running?
"Custom Dialogue" works sometimes and sometimes not
App with several Screens
Confirming best way to manage screens
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Exit app is not working some time
Exit app not working
The application does not close when I click the back button
Help your friends favorite button
Having a bug in reopening app after closing it
Problem in bottom navigation
App Crashes on start
Screen 1 crashing... why?
Close Application block redirects to other/previous screen, Please help. I even tried to close app block using if condition, still it wont close
Calling API With Start Value:
How to use if condition while matching data from SQL
Closing application control not working fine
Reload Same Screen
After many iterations my app lost sounds, still working but no sounds
Smooth transitions between screen with side menu
Closing whe switching screen
Open another screen is not working
My App is not closing (Solved)
Open another screen not work in phone but in companion work
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Screen Switching Problem
App automatically closing upon changing screen [SOLVED]
News has stopped
News has stopped
Help me to speed up my app
How to do this?
app is not working after apk installation
When i click on button multiple times then it opens 2-3 screens?
Ok Thank You. Good bay
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The code works in companion but the apk doesn't work either
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When screen1 back pressed do close application
Screen Refreshes In a Loop
Add a method for switching screens
Is this correct way to switch screen?
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-- close the application correctly
Getting Error to Return Home
How to switch screens
Open Another Screen block Not working
Open Another screen Doesn't working
Audio plays twice between screens
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Sounds are mixed stop the player
My menu screen initializes infinitely until the app crashes
App Stop airtable
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Pulling the list and checking if it is empty
Declare Storage Permissions in the Manifest
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"open another screen" does not work.?
Notifier not appear when coming from other screen
App is opening multiple times
Unknown error help!
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UnKnown Runtime Error 🤔 can't Understand
Notifier problem
Runtime Error with Notifier
Application Crash on Exit (Close Application)
Screen is Blinking
App crashes at startup - need help
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Firebase runtime error
Runtime Error Unable to add windows and other notifier actions not work
Unable to close the application when using no internet screen
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Got an Error | Realted to Notifier